Riechel Reports - Events - City of San Bruno CA

San Bruno Council District 1 January 2025 Update

Article Source:  San Bruno Council District #1 - Sandy Alvarez


My Dear Constituents,

It has been a challenging two-year journey since you elected me as your District 1 representative. Thank you again for your votes. As I approached my 3rd year term, I would like to share what we have accomplished in the last two years and what is ahead.


Competed Projects:

  1. Completion of our new RAC center.
  2. Completion of our new Centennial Plaza.
  3. Completion of our City Hall new roof.

  4. Great news! The community, staff and City Council have been patiently awaiting the activation of solar power system at the RAC. It is now fully functioning and supplementing the building’s power needs

              Solar Power Connected at the RAC


Current Events:

  1. Construction of the Florida Park.
  2. Significant progress on the plans for Tanforan's redevelopment.
  3. Grant funding improvements to our city’s fleet of maintenance vehicles.
  4. Crestmoor Project.

Timeline: The Developer expects to close on the purchase on the property in February 2025 and begin the construction process soon after. Thus, the city must confirm its willingness to proceed with the Crestmoor Fields Project and to enter into an improvement agreement with Toll Brothers in early 2025. This fast and compressed timeline, outside the City’s normal Capital Improvement Program schedule, limits the available funding sources that the city might seek out for the remaining balance and adds urgency to the City’s request to the Foundation. If SBCF approves funding, City staff will present the grant award to the City Council for review and acceptance in early 2025. Then, staff and the Developer will work collaboratively to finalize an Improvement Agreement for field construction and the impact fee credit, which will return to the City Council for action in February/March 2025. The city will continue to work as expeditiously as possible so the park construction can start in Summer 2025 concurrently with the construction of the residential project. Construction will take approximately 9 to 12 months, and the project is estimated to be completed in Summer/Fall 2026

Budget: Proposed Funding Approach Funding Type Value City Community Facilities Impact Fees - via Impact Fee Credit for the Development Project $3.2M. City Transportation Facilities Impact Fee via Impact Fee Credit for the Development Project $0.4M. Additional City/Non-City Funds TBD $3.4M. Total





  1. Phase I – Streetlight replacement and upgrade.






  1. Phase 1 of the Solar Streetlight Installation Progress: The City’s solar Streetlight installation project is progressing well in the Rollingwood neighborhood. As of this week, all 45 functional lights from the first batch have been installed (see attached map for specific locations). Some components needed for the second batch of lights are currently experiencing slight delays by U.S. Customs. Although slightly delayed, the second batch of lights are anticipated soon, and staff are projecting installation in early 2025.  



  1. 2024 Measure Q General Obligation Bonds Overview City Council January 14, 2025
  • BALLOT QUESTION: Shall City of San Bruno measure be adopted to repair deteriorating storm-drains, preventing failure, flooding, water pollution/ sinkholes; repair potholes/ city streets; upgrade fire stations, improving emergency response, accommodate modern firefighting/ lifesaving emergency medical equipment, function during earthquakes/ natural disasters.

Next Steps: Councilmembers project submission process. Projects will be submitted by staff or City Councilmembers (including on behalf of residents) via an online CIP Project Suggestion form. In order for a City Councilmember to submit a project, a second Councilmember must concur with the nomination and be indicated on the submission form. Submit your request at: salvarez@sanbruno.ca.gov


New Year, my Initiatives!!!

  1. I proposed a half-a-mile stretch to repave Highland Avenue.
  2. I will support free Sunday parking and enforcement.
  3. I will support exempting or reducing paid parking hours on Sundays.
  4. I will support removing the paid parking requirement from El Camino Real.


Important Links:

Below are helpful links to reach the city staff and be informed about what is happening in our community. Feel free to contact me directly for feedback and pressing issues: salvarez@sanbruno.ca.gov


Editor:  Robert Riechel       Contact      WEB: RIECHEL REPORTS at   www.PRRiechel.com       Copyright 2025