JCPenney Closure: May 2025As
many San Bruno shoppers are aware, JCPenney recently announced its
plans to close its Tanforan location this May. The pending closure of
one of the mall’s anchor tenants brings even greater challenges to the
mall’s operations as a retail-only entity. It
is precisely this uncertainty in the retail landscape that precipitated
the San Bruno City Council to embark upon a study of its re-use and the
ultimate adoption of the 2021 Reimagining Tanforan Land Use Fact Sheet
which articulated a vision for redevelopment that is reflected in the
development proposal. Our Community Priorities Progress Report issued
in 2023 reaffirmed community support for that vision, and continuing
dialogue with residents has helped inform the project plans submitted
this past fall by the property’s owner, Alexandra Real Estate Equities,
Inc. (ARE). As
the property owner evaluates how the May closure of JCPenny will impact
its operations and short term plans for the mall, the City remains
focused on its role in processing the pending Project Application for this once-in-a-generation development opportunity. |