Reports - Events
- City
of San Bruno CA
District 2 - Tom Hamilton Newsletter
Article Source: San Bruno District 2 - Tom Hamilton
Sun, Mar 9 at 5:00 PM
San Bruno District 2 Newsletter - Issue #8, March 9, 2025
Thank you for subscribing to my San Bruno District 2 Newsletter. If you
have friends or neighbors who you believe would be interested in
receiving updates on what’s happening in our community, please share
the signup link with them (see below). And if you know of other
channels that I can use to invite folks who may not use social media,
please let me know directly or in the comments. Thank you!
Signup link: https://bit.ly/sbd2news
City Council Meetings, March 11, 2025
Recreation and Aquatics Center, City Park
Special Meeting 6:15pm - Closed Sessions: Real Property Negotiations & Labor Negotiations
Regular Meeting 7:00pm
We'll vote to appoint new members to the San Bruno Community Foundation
Board, the Emergency Preparedness Committee, and the Parks and
Recreation Committee (youth representative)
We'll receive our midyear budget update and vote on budget amendments for FY 2024-25
We'll receive a report on the City's long range financial forecast through FY 2029-30
We'll provide direction on a proposed Measure Q spending plan and its
incorporation into the FY 2025-26 Capital Improvement Program.
We'll hear from the Revenue Measure Oversight Committee and provide
direction to Include the FY 2025-26 Measure G Revenue Spending Plan in
the City Manager’s Recommended Budget
Links to Agenda and Zoom Meeting
Special Meeting
Agenda: https://www.sanbruno.ca.gov/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/_03112025-2301
Regular Meeting Agenda Packet: https://www.sanbruno.ca.gov/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/_03112025-230
Zoom Link:
Webinar ID: 872 0991 3719
CAL FIRE Updates Fire Hazard Severity Maps; Much of Crestmoor Neighborhood Rated at Very High Risk
CAL FIRE and the state Fire Marshal released the 2nd Phase of our local
Fire Hazard Severity Zone maps. 125 cities and counties along the North
Coast and Bay Area including San Bruno received all three levels of
fire hazard severity.
You can view the report directly as shared by the San Bruno Fire Department here: https://bit.ly/41CdkAM
You can also zoom in on your neighborhood using an nteractive map here: https://fire-hazard-severity-zones-rollout-calfire-forestry.hub.arcgis.com/pages/access-map
Key Takeaways (courtesy San Bruno Fire Department): Properties are
categorized as Moderate, High, or Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones
based on terrain, vegetation, fire history, and climate conditions. The
maps indicate hazard potential, not immediate risk, and do not account
for mitigation efforts like defensible space or fire-resistant
Property owners in Very High FHSZ must comply with stringent defensible
space and home hardening requirements.100-foot defensible space
clearance is mandatory around structures in these zones. New
construction and renovations in designated zones must adhere to
Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) building codes. Property sellers must
disclose FHSZ designations during real estate transactions.
There will be much more info to come in the coming weeks; no immediate
action is required yet and I'll provide updates in future newsletters
as we learn more. Comments on the new maps can be sent to
Community Town Hall with Supervisor Jackie Speier
Thursday, March 13, 6pm to 7pm
Recreation and Aquatic Center, City Park
This event will include presentations on wildfire safety and
immigration rights as well as a Q&A forum with our County District
1 Supervisor Jackie Speier.
CityNet Sale to Comcast Finalized
As detailed in my newsletter on February 3 (link: https://app.robly.com/archive?id=43a0dafe9be2b8610672679c79e9e82a),
the City of San Bruno has entered into an agreement with Comcast to
sell our CityNet cable TV and internet enterprise. That deal has now
been finalized and the City and Comcast have released a joint press
release with details, linked below.
Questions? Click here to email Tom at thamilton@sanbruno.ca.gov
Click here to view the archive of past newsletters